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Yellow-legged Gull with chicks

Larens michahellis


These big gulls are bold and have almost taken over all of Istanbul. However, they seem to be caring parents, with one standing by at all times. Chicks (when I spotted them) were like two puffy balls of yellow with tiny black dots. Adults have a reddish spot on their beaks and a red ring around their eye. The "nest" is nothing much and pretty messy.


Roof of houses across the road from the hotel where I stayed. I was on the seventh floor, so I had the advantage of height. Unfortunately, ledges and gutters obstruct the view and I have cropped a few shots. In the last shot it looks like the parent gull is regurgitating food for the chicks. I could photograph through a small "crack" that was all the window would open, so I was not always able to get the best angles.


Parent gulls are vocal and greet each other. They also call loudly and chase potential predators away quite aggressively. These chicks are being allowed to walk a little on the roof but the moment one comes close to the ledge they are shepherded back to the safe corner.

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İstanbul, Turkey

Spotted on May 4, 2024
Submitted on May 14, 2024

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