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Morning glory

Ipomoea indica


I have a feeling this may be a weed.. nevertheless good to know.

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Ron Kushner
Ron Kushner 10 years ago

I am very familiar with Ipomoea indica in it's various forms and although there is only the corolla to go by , if I had to bet my life savings on whether this is Ipomoea indica or not, I would say without hesitation that it is Ipomoea indica.

gatorfellows 10 years ago

This is a morning glory bloom, Ipomoea sp.. Here is a site about invasive species of South Africa. Ipomoea indica is a morning glory that is invasive, but there are not enough photos to say this is that bad one. :)

Spotted by

KwaDukuza Local Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Spotted on Aug 6, 2011
Submitted on Sep 3, 2013

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