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Verbesina virginica


Dark green leaves and white, autumn flowers to the dappled shade found at the edges of woodlands, where it can form sizable colonies with its spreading rhizomes. Each stem has soft, fleshy green flanges running longitudinally down its length. When winter weather brings ice, the stems exude water that freezes into fascinating shapes, hence its common name Frostweed.


Wooded section of wildlife habitat yard.


Frostweed, Verbesina virginica, is truly an exceptional nectar source for butterflies. Along with the Liatris species, it is one of the few plants that bloom in late summer, the hottest part of the year, and continue blooming until frost. Beautiful white blooms in fall attract pollinators. (all photos courtesy Native American Seed Company) Pipevine Butterflies, Monarchs and Great Purple Hairstreaks are a few of the many butterflies that love the bountiful nectar of the Frostweed. It has been selected as a monitoring plant by Monarch Watch because of its importance as a nectar source for the Monarch butterfly. The flowers form a white disc 3-6 inches across providing a mini buffet table for the butterflies.

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Texas, USA

Spotted on Sep 21, 2013
Submitted on Sep 25, 2013

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