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Common Archduke (♂)

Lexias pardalis


This is a male of Common Archduke that i found near the bushes in my backyard. The wingspan of this butterfly is about 70 mm.

Above, the male is dark velvety black above with a broad greenish-blue distal border on the hindwing, which is continued narrowly along the termen of the forewing. The larger female is dark brown, and profusely spotted with yellow. Underneath, the male is deep ochreous brown with yellow spots. The female is dark brown on the forewing and pale grayish green on the hindwing; with both wings spotted with white. The apical portion of the antennal club is orange in both sexes.


- Spotted near the bushes in my backyard. Usually it can be found around the forested areas.


- This butterfly is from the Nymphalidae family. Thanks to Dandoucette for the ID.
* Kingdom: Animalia
* Phylum: Arthropoda
* Class: Insecta
* Order: Lepidoptera
* Family: Nymphalidae
* Genus: Lexias
* Species: L. pardalis

1 Species ID Suggestions

Common Archduke
Lexias pardalis Lexias pardalis

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1 Comment

Lanzz 9 years ago

Thanks Dandoucette for the ID...

Spotted by


Spotted on Jun 22, 2014
Submitted on Jun 22, 2014

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