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Ant-Mimicking Jumping Spider


Sorry Mr Spider, I saw through your disguise! Better luck next time! This little buddy was a bit too attentive for being an ant! He observed me and moved when I moved. When I zoomed in on the pictures I saw the significant eyes of a jumping spider...


Mango tree, about 175 cm above the ground! He had a favourite leaf in the tree! Semi-urban area in the small town of Caia, Mozambique. Rain season just started.

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The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

Wow! Nice mimicry!

Tiz 10 years ago

I am happy you liked this little rascal, PurpleScarf and Leonardo.
Sintija, I am sure they will remember a strange mulungo (white person) that wandered around amont the trees and bushes taking picture of "nothing"... haha

Saumya Wanniarachchi
Saumya Wanniarachchi 10 years ago

Wow a cool spotting !

Leonardo Castro
Leonardo Castro 10 years ago

Fabulous!! Thanks for sharing, Tiz! Peculiar story... :)

Sintija Valucka
Sintija Valucka 10 years ago

maybe one day they will understand and then remember about you and your drawings :D :)

Tiz 10 years ago

hahaha, ehm... haha, nah! That would put a shame over all living ants and spiders, and I actually dont think that they understood. A cross over the ant and pointing to the spider, and then to the ant.... It is not easy to understand that! haha

Sintija Valucka
Sintija Valucka 10 years ago

I agree with Jemma, that would be great! ;)

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 10 years ago

you should have included a picture of your artwork.

Sintija Valucka
Sintija Valucka 10 years ago

:D and they understood? :)

Tiz 10 years ago

They are really cool! But my tries to explain to the people around me what I was taking so many pictures of in Portugues was very poor! I ended up drawing a spider and an ant in the sand... haha!

Sintija Valucka
Sintija Valucka 10 years ago

I've also seen one in my lifetime (different species), they're pretty amazing :)
Nice spotting!

Ashutosh Dudhatra
Ashutosh Dudhatra 10 years ago

Yeah..ive uploaded

Tiz 10 years ago

Have you uploaded it? It sounds very interesting :)

Ashutosh Dudhatra
Ashutosh Dudhatra 10 years ago

Great spotted a similar black ant mimicing female however diff species..

Spotted by

Sofala, Mozambique

Spotted on Oct 1, 2013
Submitted on Oct 1, 2013

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