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Cypress Knees

Taxodium distichum


Woody, knobby protrusions emerging from around the bases of bald cypress trees.


Wetland in Hontoon Island State Park.


Cypress knees are a phenomenon common to many cypress species across the world. Despite the prevalence of cypress knees, there is actually no definitive scientific reason for their existence. Many theories exist as to why several cypress species form knees, but these are still hypotheses, and the true cause of these structures remains unknown.

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joanbstanley 9 years ago

Very. One of the articles I came across said "they bring to mind the Ents" from Tolkien. I have always found them fascinating, especially as their purpose is still a mystery.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Thanks for that Joan. I always wondered if these things had a name. Quite Tolkienish looking.

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on May 20, 2014
Submitted on Jun 24, 2014

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