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Saffron-faced blue dart

Pseudagrion rubriceps


Head & thorax . eyes compound to the blue – green for the dominant colour to saffron ( ; yellow ., orange ) faced ., overall to the fronz , clypeus and labrum ., black short a pair of antenne . Blue dart – spirited ( ; body ) side dominant with striped line for black ., to spread irregular green – methalic dorsal . Wings ; black hard ; in venation line to the right of nodus and tern of pterostigma to the corner top . Abdomen ; to look for two colour side blue spirited and black ., both of two colour in different side ; dorsall ( ; black ) and ventral ( ; blue spirite ) . S1 – S3 ., looks for blue overall , S3 is completed of two side tail segment colour comparation ; blue and black ., S4 – S7 ; a colour of black dominant hard to get covering blue for compartion ., S8 – S10 and the areal of appendage ; on blue spirite., with the top tail in black hard .


Grassy - little swamp at the side of rocky stream montana .


That's soliter of the male flyng slowly to perch for the plant which grown at the swamp meaning of corner side river .

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West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Spotted on Sep 27, 2014
Submitted on Aug 24, 2020

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