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Pituophis catenifer sayi


Bullsnakes are among our longest snakes; I've seen them longer than five feet long. They tend to be a dirty yellow with darker brown, black and red scales. They are constrictors that feed primarily on ground squirrels and ground nesting birds.




Roads are often warmer than surrounding landscapes on cool, but sunny days. This behavior is mimicked by many other cold-blooded animals and often leads to their death when struck by vehicles. I chased this snake off the road in the direction in which it was traveling when I found it. Bullsnakes sometimes quiver their tails in grass and dry leaves when confronted with a predator, which makes for a very convincing rattlesnake mimic.

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MitchRay 13 years ago

Amazing critters, and one of the few in North America that can hiss loudly. Great spotting and awesome photos Gordon

Gordon Dietzman
Gordon Dietzman 13 years ago

They can be very large. Some have been reported to be up to 8 feet long! I've had several experiences with these snakes. Two snakes were hunting in the same general area, going in and out of ground squirrel burrows searching for prey. Another one did the rattlesnake trick by rattling his tail in some dry leaves; very effective!

lori.tas 13 years ago

I caught a bullsnake once, it trying to steal an egg from one of my ducks' nests. I had a hold of it by the neck and I remember having to hold my arm up high to keeps its tail from dragging. And I'm not short.

Gordon Dietzman
Spotted by
Gordon Dietzman

Wyoming, USA

Spotted on Sep 17, 2007
Submitted on Mar 8, 2011

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