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Epilobium angustifolium


The reddish stems of this herbaceous perennial are usually simple, erect, smooth, 0.5–2.5 m high with scattered alternate leaves. The leaves are entire, lanceolate, and pinnately veined. A relative species, Dwarf Fireweed (Epilobium latifolium), grows to 0.3–0.6 m tall. The radially symmetrical flowers have four magenta to pink petals, 2 to 3 cm in diameter. The styles have four stigmas, which occur in symmetrical terminal racemes. The reddish-brown linear seed capsule splits from the apex. It bears many minute brown seeds, about 300 to 400 per capsule and 80,000 per plant. The seeds have silky hairs to aid wind dispersal and are very easily spread by the wind, often becoming a weed and a dominant species on disturbed ground. Once established, the plants also spread extensively by underground roots, an individual plant eventually forming a large patch.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Dag Wixforth
Dag Wixforth 12 years ago
Schmalblättriges Weidenröschen
Epilobium angustifolium

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1 Comment

LarsKorb 12 years ago

Is ja wie Geburtstag! Thanks again and a lot for this ID as well :)

Spotted by

Hohenhorn, Schleswig-Holstein (Landmasse), Germany

Spotted on Aug 23, 2010
Submitted on Apr 23, 2011

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