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Gopher snake


4-5' long. Non-venomous, constrictor




Added a 2nd picture from a snake I just picked up crawling through my chickens yard. Luckily we were there or we would no doubt be -one baby chick. ;) He was just starting to molt and seemed to enjoy us touching him today. (im sure hes itchy)

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BareFeat 13 years ago

So i moved him/her and she came back within an hour. The snake doesnt appear to be stalking my chickens, as it was laying some distance off when it came back. This snake appears to have a weird "lure" type of toungue. I couldn't get a picture of it, but there is some weird stuff going on inside its mouth. It has a normal snake-like tongue, and then a larger almost dog-like (in shape) tongue which had a small white spec attached to the end... could be mistaken for a small fly. or a flower ..the snake was extending this "lure" and withrawing it... .. Im going to research this more. But saw nothing of this mentioned on wiki, which was all i checked for some quick information.

BareFeat 13 years ago

Thanks :) All my pix are done w/ a cellphone. For a few years now.

8mp currently.

Ditto! Nice photo!

ceherzog 13 years ago

I agree, nice pic!

MitchRay 13 years ago

nice photo

Spotted by

California, USA

Spotted on May 21, 2011
Submitted on May 21, 2011

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