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Papilio peranthus kangeanus

Papilio peranthus kangeanus


green shiny butterfly, size: about 5-7 cm wingspan - shape like a swallowtail, just green and black on the inside of the wings... I didn´t catch the outside Lookalikes: P. lorquinianus - see: P. peranthus - see:


rain forest, sentosa island, insect kingdom


1 Species ID Suggestions

Ashish 12 years ago
Green Swallowtail
Papilio peranthus kangeanus File:Papilio peranthus kangean MHNT.jpg

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AlexKonig 12 years ago

ok ,thanks thats nice from you. i will be back in an hour (so much "eating" here i get hungry). take your time with the docu as long as you dont forget me.. thanks

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

So Alex is right..!!

yeah you are right - I didn´t see the yellow line till you pointed it out, thank you so much!

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

See border of wings with thin yellow lines are matching with your butterfly...

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

If you checked had more green shade than black and its exact like Papilio peranthus kangeanus with more black colour.

hmmm... that was years ago on 3sat. I´ll try to dig up something on the net - I´ll contact you if I find anything - ok?
yeah lichen is more symbiosis for me, and we don´t eat lichen (fungi are still creepy for me)

AlexKonig 12 years ago

jep , totally right, i let also stand the mushroom at streets (gas-pollutions) , myxomycetes are very mysterious, the comment you maked (ca. half hour back) with the "lichen" was also something like this, lichen are : moss and fungi in symbiosis. but that (fungi) all is a very big area, when you take not only the edible,visible sorts. do you still remember the name of the docu, have seen also some, but couldn't find much docus for me. !!

thanks ashish for the ID suggestion, but still can´t decide which one... I´ve got 2 references, for P.peranthus at references and for P.lorquinianus at notes...
the butterflycorner implies that P.l. is more common than P.p. - so I think it is more likely that I saw the P.l.

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

I marked another link..!!

well, I wouldn´t eat mushrooms near atomic reactors, or heavy industrial territory (due to Cr, Co, Ca in the mushrooms)...
there is also another interesting thing about mushrooms and hyper"wesen". I watched a documentary on one-celled organisms (protozoa) -some amöbakind protozoas which came together, united and formed a new organism, in which they behaved as one - in the end the organism was a myxomycete

AlexKonig 12 years ago

could not see much different on google image, exepct of the colors between the two googleimage site, is it maybe just another synoniem, but when you would let me decide, i would say peranthus. good luck

AlexKonig 12 years ago

i will not, i'm obsessed with fungi. thats right everyone take picture of animal and plant but also fungi, BUT the fungis are often wrong id'd. i make mistake as well, enough !! you are good informed. no animal no plant, but growing as a plant with the cells of animal ,the tissue of an mushroom is from the same material as hairs,fingernails,bug-"panzer" [chitin]. and the cells at elemantaire basics also ressembles more them of an animal than of a plant. And they want to decay our waist. Fungi are more helpfull than many people suspect. (the oyster-mushroom can help by oil-pollution of the sea, he sucked up the oil. re-used it as nutrician and you could still eat an clean mushroom). greeting from nl

so, now found too much either P. peranthus or lorquinianus? they are relatives though

I think it is much harder to get IDs for the fungi... everyone takes pictures of butterflies, not many about mushrooms (I find them scary though - not animal, not plant, what do they want?!)
so your job is much harder than mine - but don´t give up!

AlexKonig 12 years ago

i know that feeling too, i have some fungis, by which i get frustrated because of the id, can not find at lest a direction, but with time and some luck, we all stumple uppon our missing id's.

hahaha ;D thanks Alex! Suddenly - yesterday I was so fed up with not finding anything, that I did, after checking the link dan gave me, a pictureresearchsession on google and had luck with it...

AlexKonig 12 years ago

had i done also yesterday, i agree again with you. i also could not find much on the net, i think you have some special specimen: from the swallowtail group (maybe good suggestion for the common name)[when i saw it good, the most swallowtail were named after their colors, then patterns and then regions]. ( ) but this isn't my area with which i familiar, therefore can only outing my appreciation. nice spott.

yep, just went through all Papilio - mine seems to be the only one...

gosh, after 9 month research... I think my P. peranthus is the only one in P.N?!

yeah! FINALLY! ID´d!!!!!!!!

rivu.ghorai 13 years ago

it could be one of those peacock butterflies under swallowtail(papillionidae) group...

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 13 years ago

I'm not sure what this is but it couldn't hurt to take a look at this website. It's helped me ID a lot of my unknown butterflies.

ceherzog 13 years ago

They sure have striking Lepidoptera in Singapore!

Singapore, Singapore

Spotted on Jan 30, 2011
Submitted on May 25, 2011

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