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Leonurus cardiaca


L. cardiaca has a square stem and opposite leaves. The leaves have serrated margins and are palmately lobed with long petioles; basal leaves are wedge shaped with three points and while the upper leaves are more latticed. Flowers appear in leaf axils on the upper part of the plant and it blooms between June - August. The flowers are small, pink to lilac in colour often with furry lower lips. The plant grows to about 60–100 cm in height. It can be found along roadsides and in vacant fields and other disturbed areas. Motherwort has a long history of use as a herb in traditional medicine in Central Europe, Asia and North America. Like many other plants, it has been used for a variety of ills, and consumed. Midwives use it for a variety of purposes, including uterine tonic and prevention of uterine infection in women, hence the name Motherwort.


Grasslands near forest.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Leonurus cardiaca File:Illustration Leonurus cardiaca0.jpg

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Jonathan Sequeira
Jonathan Sequeira 12 years ago

Están en la misma familia del Romero y la menta. La otra flor esta en la misma familia también.

The MnMs
The MnMs 12 years ago

Many thanks for the ID. I just learned these are used as medicinal plants for women :-)

Jonathan Sequeira
Jonathan Sequeira 12 years ago

Uhhh a LABIATAE o Lamiaceae Are the leaves aromatic??

The MnMs
Spotted by
The MnMs

Gelderland, Netherlands

Spotted on Jul 3, 2011
Submitted on Jul 3, 2011

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