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My cousin found it in the floor and he released it in a park. This picture was taken by him.

1 Species ID Suggestions

AfriBats 11 years ago
vesper bat

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The MnMs
The MnMs 12 years ago

Que bonito, no es una foto facil. Sin duda el animalillo estaba mas parado que de costumbre. A mi tambien me gustan los murcielagos. Detesto que la gente les haga daño. No se dan cuenta del bien que nos hacen manteniendo el ecosistema. Los pobres tienen una reputacion inmerecida al igual que los tiburones..

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 12 years ago

Yes, it was stunned for the hot...

arlanda 12 years ago

It seems to be quite sleepy!

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 12 years ago

Yes, bats are great friends, but misunderstood.
Thanks for your comments!

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

In India Bats are proved best friends of farmers. They feed on many pest insects..harmful to many crops...!!

Saarbrigger 12 years ago

If you have problems with mosquitos outside, just put a bat box on the sunny side of your house and they probably move in and eliminate your mosquito problem. Great friends these little bats.

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 12 years ago

Ha, ha, sure...
But I think they have problems with the hot weather here, the summer is hard...

alicelongmartin 12 years ago

I was going to say not his typical way of sleeping, but maybe he enjoyed it as a change!

Noe and Pili
Spotted by
Noe and Pili

Torremolinos, Andalucía, Spain

Spotted on Jul 9, 2011
Submitted on Jul 10, 2011

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