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Japanese Umbrella Inky

Parasolus plicatilis


Long, graceful grayish stalk with thin ridged cap that opens in the very early morning hours to resemble a beautiful Japanese parasol. Often blooms in the very late hours of the night and doesn't last much past daybreak.


These grow profusely on damp mornings in the wood mulch of my yard in an older suburban neighborhood with mature trees.


Here is a link to a listing for these mushrooms on the Audubon site: Please note that the Audubon site uses what I think is the more current scientific name Parasolus plicatilis. However, there seems to be an expert difference of opinion about the scientific classification, and I have also seen them described as Coprinus plicatilis. Whatever they're called, the squirrels in my yard like to eat the caps of these mushrooms, so often all I see when I go outside in the morning is a lot of drooping capless stalks.

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yulia8473 12 years ago


Spotted by

Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Spotted on May 24, 2010
Submitted on Jul 13, 2011

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