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Spiny restharrow

Ononis spinosa


Spiny rest-harrow is an erect, shrubby herb with solitary, dark pink pea-like flowers and trifoliate leaves. As its name suggests, it also has spines which Common rest-harrow rarely does. It can also be told apart by the absence of rhizomes, more erect habit, darker flowers and the presence of two lines of hairs up the stem as opposed to hairs all round. Spiny rest-harrow is in flower from July to September and is pollinated by bees.


Spiny rest-harrow is a native perennial of infertile calcareous grasslands usually found on well drained chalk or limestone soils but occasionally on heavy calcareous clay soils. It prefers slightly rough grassland and tends to be absent from more intensively managed or grazed sites.

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The MnMs
The MnMs 12 years ago

Thanks Alice and Lars!
Here they are common weeds in the summer :-)

LarsKorb 12 years ago

what a beauty...

alicelongmartin 12 years ago

Very nice and very different!

The MnMs
Spotted by
The MnMs

Leuven, Vlaanderen, Belgium

Spotted on Jul 8, 2011
Submitted on Jul 23, 2011

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