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Rhode Island Red Chickens

Gallus gallus domesticus


I saw chickens running loose at the Withlachoochee river. There was a hawk watching them.


It was a day in the old south with people jumping off the bridge on the river and chickens running loose.


Developed in Rhode Island & Massachusetts, early flocks often had single and rose combed individuals because of the influence of Malay blood. Even though they can have an aggressive nature, When raised lovingly, they can be very loving, even affectionate. They will come when called or when they can see their owner and will walk with him/her just as a dog would. Rhode Island Reds and their hybrid descendants will happily sit on their owners laps, arms or even shoulders. These chickens care for each other as well, and often stay in a group. Frequent layers, Rhode Island Reds are noted for their brown eggs

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Florida, USA

Spotted on Aug 20, 2011
Submitted on Aug 20, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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