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Large Milkweed Bug

Oncopeltus fasciatus


The large milkweed bug adult is a 9–18 mm long insect. Mature adults are orange with black rhomboidal spots at both end of a body and a black band in the middle. Freshly molted individuals are pale yellow with gray spots that change into black with time. Bright orange instars resemble adults, with orange-black pattern different than in grown individual and without wings. However, wingpads are visible and become more pronounced with each molt. Adult females have several black spots on rear part of their abdomen, while males have only one.


East of the Rocky Mountains. It is found as far north as Ontario, Canada, but is more abundant in south-eastern United States. Groups of insects in all stages of development are commonly found between May and October on common milkweed plants.


I spotted this at Baden Powell park. The last photo shows a cluster of nymphs.

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Dan Doucette
Spotted by
Dan Doucette

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Ontario, Canada

Spotted on Aug 28, 2011
Submitted on Aug 28, 2011

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