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Black-Necked Stilt

Species ID Suggestions

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Curlew 12 years ago

Thank you. I think you have your ID now. Job done. How satisfactory. And lucky you being there.

Curlew, I came apon these photos from the same outing. Thanks for your interest!

Curlew 12 years ago

Reading further in Wikipedia, I see "The Hawaiian Stilt is sometimes considered a subspecies of the Black-necked Stilt." And it seems to have more black on the neck. Thank you for this spotting. Very interesting.

Curlew 12 years ago

Very curious. It should be a stilt, but the only stilt that should be there is the Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) which has a white breast and white down the front of the throat (see Did you take any more photos? Could you see the bill? Was it long, straight and pointed? Perhaps the stance changes the appearance of the neck.

Hawaii, USA

Spotted on Sep 7, 2011
Submitted on Sep 7, 2011

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