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Monarch butterfly

Danaaus plexippus


The adult monarch butterfly is brightly coloured, with orange upperwings, interlaced with black veins and surrounded by a wide, black border marked with numerous white spots. While the striking colouration of the upperwings serves as a visual warning to predators that this species is poisonous, the undersurface of the wings is duller orange, and helps to camouflage this species against tree bark and other substrates when at rest. The adult male is slightly larger than the female and has a black spot on each hindwing. Wingspan: 8.6 - 12.4 cm (2)


This beautiful monarch butterfly is renowned for its spectacular, long-distance annual migrations, anywhere from alpine summits to cities. Habitats with milkweeds, especially meadows. If you like these beautiful monarch butterflies, grow some milkweed in your garden.

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Maryland, USA

Spotted on Aug 21, 2013
Submitted on Nov 7, 2013

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