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Sulfur Shelf (Chicken of the Woods)



This was growing on a dead oak tree. Individual "shelves" range from 2-10 inches across. These shelves are made up of many tiny tubular filaments (hyphae). The mushroom grows in large brackets - some have been found that weigh over 100 pounds (45 kg). It is most commonly found on wounds of trees, mostly oak, though it is also frequently found on eucalyptus, yew, sweet chestnut, and willow, as well as conifers in some species. Laetiporus species produce brown rot in the host on which they grow.


Oak tree


This was part of a rather large colony of sulfur shelf we found about a month ago. We harvested only a portion then, as we had never tried any and didn't want to waste it. We also decided to let the remaining portion grow. Coming back a month later, it's not much bigger and it's beginning to expire from the recent frosts. So, it can be another dinner!

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Michelle Parish
Spotted by
Michelle Parish

Veneta, Oregon, USA

Spotted on Nov 7, 2011
Submitted on Nov 7, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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