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Hirundo rustica


Small birds with a white belly and dark blue/black back tinged with a burnt orange/reddish color that matched the color of its chin. These birds made a few quiet chirps, but otherwise lazed about.


Oddly enough these birds showed up on a sailboat around half way into a 36 hour run from Panama to Colombia. There was no land in sight. We never raised the sails, so they could have been hiding in the folds the whole time, but they seemed pretty tired when we first noticed them so our guess was they had been on the open sea. We fed them some crackers and eventually one guy was able to coax one onto his hand.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 12 years ago
Barn Swallow
Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow

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Curator of Good
Curator of Good 12 years ago

Must have been. Thanks!

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 12 years ago

I think they were grateful for a rest stop on their winter migration from North to South America.

Curator of Good
Spotted by
Curator of Good

Antioquia, Colombia

Spotted on Oct 22, 2010
Submitted on Nov 13, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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