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Northern Leopard Frog

Rana pipiens


Common Names: Meadow Frog, Grass Frog. Leopard Frogs eat a variety of insects, many which are agricultural pests. Once the most abundant frog in the Great Lakes Region, in recent years populations have experienced a serious decline for unknown reasons.


Grassy areas; meadows, ponds, streams and lake edges. Well adapted to extreme cold, and can be found at high elevations.


Spotted at Donald Lamoreaux Park, Kent County MI.

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Small Wonders
Small Wonders 12 years ago

Thank you Alice :)

alicelongmartin 12 years ago

Very nice! Appreciate the information.

Small Wonders
Spotted by
Small Wonders

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Spotted on Aug 23, 2011
Submitted on Nov 15, 2011

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