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Common Evening Brown

Melanitis leda


adult in wet season form - this is a common and extremely widespread species found across almost the entire Oriental region and also across most of Africa and much of Australia... this species is fond of flying during dusk... hence its common name... but are also found flying during dawn... flying rapidly but erratically at low level and in short hops... and when disturbed... it will drop suddenly into the undergrowth and perch a little askew and slanting to mimic a dead leaf casually fallen onto the ground.! this species exhibit pronounced seasonal dimorphism... having variable undersides... seemingly related to the wet and dry seasons in the region.!


found within garden area of suburban residential house


Lepidoptera; Nymphalidae; Satyrinae; Melanitini

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Richard Ong
Spotted by
Richard Ong

Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Spotted on Dec 8, 2019
Submitted on Dec 8, 2019

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