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Cloudless Sulphur

Phoebis sennae


A small butterfly with yellow wings that have a sandy, paper-like appearance with many small, brown spots.


A lush yard near Lake Killarney in central Florida. The trees are tall, bushes thick and plants well-watered. It's a very friendly place for flora and fauna. This spider was in a far corner of the yard, atop some bushes in the shade of a tree.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 12 years ago
Barred Yellow
Eurema daira Eurema daira thumbnails

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bayucca 12 years ago

Definitily not Phoebis, too small for that and different form and colors. Still: Eurema sp.

bayucca 12 years ago

If the wings are closed you usually can't see the dark edges.

Curator of Good
Curator of Good 12 years ago

looks similar, but neither butterfly had any dark markings on the edges/corners of the upper sides of the wings.

bayucca 12 years ago

Compare with yours:
I think this one is also Eurema sp., but you have to verify yourself. Just a guess.

Curator of Good
Spotted by
Curator of Good

Winter Park, Florida, USA

Spotted on Dec 10, 2011
Submitted on Dec 29, 2011

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