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The ostrich is one or two species of large flightless birds native to Africa, the only living member(s) of the genus Struthio. It can run at maximum speeds of about 70 km per hour (43 mph), maintaining a steady speed of 50 km per hour (31 mph), making it the world's fastest two-legged animal. The ostrich is the largest bird and lays the largest eggs. Their eyes are said to be the largest of any land vertebrate – 50 mm (2 in) in diameter; they can therefore perceive predators at a great distance. When threatened, the ostrich will either hide by lying flat against the ground or run away. When lying down and hiding from predators, the birds lay their heads and necks flat on the ground, making them appear as a mound of earth from a distance. If cornered, it can attack with a kick from its powerful legs. Contrary to popular belief, ostriches do not bury their heads in sand. Their diet comprises mainly plant matter, although it also eats invertebrates. It lives in nomadic groups of 5-50 birds.


Ostriches formerly occupied Africa north and south of the Sahara, East Africa, Africa south of the rain forest belt, and much of Asia Minor. Ostriches prefer open land and are native to the savannas and Sahel of Africa, both north and south of the equatorial forest zone. In Southwest Africa they inhabit the semi-desert or true desert.


I believe these birds were courting. Source: Wikipedia

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Desmond.E.S.O 9 years ago

in the third picture it looks like it's waving to someone.

Maria dB
Maria dB 12 years ago

Thank you, Alice! Watching them strut and display was a treat.

alicelongmartin 12 years ago

Beautiful series!

Maria dB
Spotted by
Maria dB

Oshikoto Region, Namibia

Spotted on Feb 18, 2011
Submitted on Jan 27, 2012

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