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Northern Cardinal (Female)

Cardinalis cardinalis


"Size & Shape The Northern Cardinal is a fairly large, long-tailed songbird with a short, very thick bill and a prominent crest. Cardinals often sit with a hunched-over posture and with the tail pointed straight down. Color Pattern Male cardinals are brilliant red all over, with a reddish bill and black face immediately around the bill. Females are pale brown overall with warm reddish tinges in the wings, tail, and crest. They have the same black face and red-orange bill. Behavior Northern Cardinals tend to sit low in shrubs and trees or forage on or near the ground, often in pairs. They are common at bird feeders but may be inconspicuous away from them, at least until you learn their loud, metallic chip note."-CornelLab Ornithology


"Look for Northern Cardinals in inhabited areas such as backyards, parks, woodlots, and shrubby forest edges. Northern Cardinals nest in dense tangles of shrubs and vines."-CornelLab Ornithology


Yesterday I saw and spotted the male close by.

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HeatherMiller 12 years ago

Thanks Ismael! I thought she was pretty. I have spotted 4 males and 2 different females in the last few days. They are very jittery and won't stay in one spot long enough for a picture though...I'll work on it.

Ismael Chaves
Ismael Chaves 12 years ago

Beautiful shots!

HeatherMiller 12 years ago

Thanks Kiara...I love seeing the Cardinals...they make my day. Bluebirds too, and Finches...ok..they all do. :-)

Kiara Robinson
Kiara Robinson 12 years ago

So pretty

HeatherMiller 12 years ago

Thanks all. I got a male close up yesterday.

KarenL 12 years ago

Lovely photos!

SusanEllison 12 years ago

gorgeous bird n shot!

Veetorious 12 years ago

Stunning pictures!! : )

Spotted by

Decatur, Georgia, USA

Spotted on Jan 18, 2012
Submitted on Jan 18, 2012

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