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Philippine Eagle


This sad eagle is just one of the many birds with no freewill, they are in a big cage. They should not be in here.. they should be in the forest

1 Species ID Suggestions

Liam 12 years ago
White-bellied Sea Eagle
Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea Eagle

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MrsPbio 11 years ago

I know the feeling about a gorgeous raptor like this in captivity. I worked in Davao with the Philippine Eagles for my post-grad internship. Besides the "Haring Ibon", we had a White-breasted Sea Eagle like this one. Unfortunately, with the Philippine habitats disappearing so fast, it is a sad fact that zoos and wildlife parks may be the last hope for many of the Philippine's incredibly amazing birds and other wildlife. :(

At least this fellow (lady?) seems to be in good shape..good feather, good weight, bright eyes, good posture. Even standing on one foot- as sign of comfortable-ness.

Thank you for posting this. I never get tired of seeing the Philippine species here.

LanceRomelDelmoBucoy 12 years ago

Yes :(
I dunno how to address this to the public. I'll Edit the description

KarenL 12 years ago

Is this bird captive? If it is you should mention this in the notes.

LanceRomelDelmoBucoy 12 years ago

I have pity on this bird, caged in one of the wildlife in the philippines

KarenL 12 years ago

Nice spot!


Spotted on Feb 29, 2012
Submitted on Feb 29, 2012

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