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Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

Calyptorhynchus funereus


Large bird, dark brown to black feathers all over, narrow strip of yellow to feather edges, band across tail feathers is yellow to cream with tiny dashes and dots of black, large solid beak is dark grey with blue tint or bone coloured in some individuals, eye is dark with red/pink skin around eye in males (not in females), small yellow cheek patch in males (female cheek patch larger and generally brighter yellow).


Found in rainforest, woodland and alpine regions throughout eastern Australia.


This bird is on Banksia robur and distinctive swamp banksia with unusual coloured blooms that start tight and green, and change through to mauve with emerald green sheen before finally changing to brownish yellow as they begin to die.

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kdpicturemaker 10 years ago

Thanks Luis. Have seen them all again recently along roadside verges in banksia trees. They have not been particularly vocal and active as they usually are - no rain on the horizon - they usually herald the coming rain with noisy enthusiasm, so looks like our hot dry spell is going to continue into the new year...

LuisStevens 10 years ago


Spotted by

New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Dec 24, 2012
Submitted on Nov 24, 2013

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