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Tom Maebe

Tom Maebe

My passions: web & design, macrophotography, jungles, underwaterworld & freediving/skindiving, motorbiking through awesome landscapes.

Gent, Belgium

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Tom Maebe Green sea turtle
Green sea turtle commented on by Tom Maebe Philippines12 years ago

envy the turtle, not me.

Tom Maebe Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Tom Maebe Palawan, Philippines12 years ago

Yes, after checking I think it's a Trypetoptera punctulata, but not very sure. They also seem to have this "trump" which is much bigger than other flies. I don't know how you call that part.

Tom Maebe Green sea turtle
Green sea turtle commented on by Tom Maebe Philippines12 years ago

Thanks! It was an amazing experience as well. The turtle let me come very close, I could kiss her if I wanted. Freediving lets you come closer to aquatic life. They're curious as well..."who's this new fish in my habitat?"

Tom Maebe Red Grasshawk
Red Grasshawk commented on by Tom Maebe Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia12 years ago

True TanKianYong. My mistake in the ID suggestion.

Tom Maebe Spiny Orb Spider
Spiny Orb Spider commented on by Tom Maebe Palawan, Philippines12 years ago

thanks for the ID, Atul. Seems these funny spiders are all around asia.

Tom Maebe Philippine Sailfin Lizard
Philippine Sailfin Lizard commented on by Tom Maebe Amsterdam, Netherlands12 years ago

I saw one in Leyte & Bohol. I was pretty lucky, since they're endemic (as most animal species in the Philippines, they'll end up on someone's plate).

Tom Maebe Ocypode cordimana
Ocypode cordimana commented on by Tom Maebe Palawan, Philippines12 years ago

Yes, this on is it. I edited the ID. Thanks for the research!
There were thousands of them on this beach. No people there. When you set one footstep, so much life was crawling away & around.

Tom Maebe Eastern Kingbird
Eastern Kingbird commented on by Tom Maebe Canada12 years ago

funky bird!

Tom Maebe Ocypode cordimana
Ocypode cordimana commented on by Tom Maebe Palawan, Philippines12 years ago

thanks for the ID, AshishNimkar

Tom Maebe praying mantis
praying mantis commented on by Tom Maebe Philippines12 years ago

Peter, does the same apply for the eyes of some crabs? See my last spotting:

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