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TylerFoden Crape myrtle flowers 紫薇花
Crape myrtle flowers 紫薇花 commented on by TylerFoden Shenzhen, Guangdong, China12 years ago

Could it possibly by lilac? I am not a huge botanist but that would be my guess at a glance. Hope this helps 8)

TylerFoden Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by TylerFoden Ottawa, Canada12 years ago

I would compare it to a robins nest for size and depth. (I found one at work while moving a truck, the photo bird's nest is slightly larger then the none i found at work but pretty close)

As for height of the nest i am 6'2" and I slightly bent over to take the photo.

TylerFoden Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by TylerFoden Ottawa, Canada12 years ago

Could it be that of a robin ?

TylerFoden Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by TylerFoden Ottawa, Canada12 years ago

Nope very small almost the size of my stretched hand

TylerFoden Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by TylerFoden Ottawa, Canada12 years ago

I did have a poke around it. There was mud used in it's construction. Where this was taken there are no doves. It will not let me move the location to the accurate spot. There are hawks in that location. It was above a mine shaft on the my property about 400 meters or less from the Montreal river if that helps. Thank you for your post.

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