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Atul MitchRay Dan Doucette ceherzog
maplemoth662 grade-78-science6 flowntheloop Tera2
auntnance123 Green anole
Green anole commented on by auntnance123 Florida, USA10 years ago

Thanks for the reminder, Scott.

auntnance123 Ruby Bolete
Ruby Bolete commented on by auntnance123 Braga, Portugal10 years ago

Nice spotting. The 'mice' damage is probably from slugs, snails or pill bugs. If I'm not mistaken, it's one of the boletes. (I know it's a NA site, but a place to start)

auntnance123 Green Tree Frog
Green Tree Frog commented on by auntnance123 Florida, USA10 years ago

Appreciate you going so far back for that ID. Thanks, Ashley.

auntnance123 Plantain
Plantain commented on by auntnance123 Ireland10 years ago

Thank you for the ID, Daniele. It is one I should probably remember because there are so many. The grass was so thick I don't recall any leaves.

auntnance123 Juvenile Pied Wagtail
Juvenile Pied Wagtail commented on by auntnance123 Ireland10 years ago

Thanks, Luis and Dilan. And I think you're right, Sarah: if you ignore its tail, it does look like a chubby baby penguin.

auntnance123 House Sparrow, female
House Sparrow, female commented on by auntnance123 Northern Ireland, United Kingdom10 years ago

I suspected it was just that. Thanks for the confirmation, Ashley.

auntnance123 Mistle Thrush
Mistle Thrush commented on by auntnance123 Cork, Ireland10 years ago

Thank you, Lenny for the ID. The two are very close but it seems mistle thrush is most appropriate for the size, coloring and location.

auntnance123 Pied Wagtail
Pied Wagtail commented on by auntnance123 Ireland10 years ago

Thank you, Maria. This little beauty was quite busy early on an overcast morning.

auntnance123 Immature Common Blackbird
Immature Common Blackbird commented on by auntnance123 Ireland10 years ago

Thank you for the ID, Ashley. Antonio, I'm trying to catch up on the European spottings, then I'll start on the Costa Rica ones. Appreciate the second, Malcolm.

auntnance123 Mistle Thrush
Mistle Thrush commented on by auntnance123 Cork, Ireland10 years ago

Thanks, Ashley. What do you think about the song thrush?

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