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CherylMacaulay SunirmalBarai alicelongmartin Dan Doucette
celine Harlequin shrimp
Harlequin shrimp commented on by celine Lat: 10.27 Lon: 124.0612 years ago

very nice photo ! and what a specimen !
(but you should change the category)

celine Sundew
Sundew commented on by celine Western Australia, Australia12 years ago

Thank you Craig for your help. And there actually was native orchids around.

celine Blue tongue lizard
Blue tongue lizard commented on by celine Western Australia, Australia12 years ago

Thank you all !

celine Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by celine Picardie, France12 years ago

Avez vous d'autres photo de ces champignons ? si il y a de la mousse sous le chapeau, il y a de grandes chances que se soient des bolets oranger.

celine Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by celine Picardie, France12 years ago

Bonjour ! c'est un coprin chevelu

celine Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by celine Western Australia, Australia12 years ago

well, it looked more like if it was just flowering now

celine Jug orchid
Jug orchid commented on by celine Western Australia, Australia12 years ago

thank you, anyone would know if it's actually a bird orchid or a jug orchid ?

celine Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by celine Iwate, Japan12 years ago

Thank you ; )

celine Emu track
Emu track commented on by celine Western Australia, Australia12 years ago

Thank you both for your comments ; )

celine Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by celine Western Australia, Australia12 years ago

Thank you Alex, they are Karri tree flowers ( Eucalyptus ) on the grounds. The black parts were growing right on the moss, i'm pretty sure they are young fungis. i'll keep looking...

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