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Double-crested Cormorant

Phalacrocorax auritus


This is a large waterbird with a stocky body, long neck, webbed feet and hooked bill. Plumage is dark with a scaled appearance on the back. Its body length is about 70–90 cm (28–35 in) long, with a wingspan of between 114–123 cm (45–48 in).


Wetlands, rivers, swamps, and shorelines.

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Gordon Dietzman
Gordon Dietzman 12 years ago

I like it, Emma. Those crests aren't always obvious, but you got it quite nicely.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago
Gordon , I finally got a picture of it with its crest and finally can understand why it is called Double Crested!!

Gordon Dietzman
Gordon Dietzman 12 years ago

Mary, We have only double-crested cormorants in Minnesota, which makes the ID pretty easy here. Your bird is also a double-breasted cormorant, at least my guidebooks don't show any other cormorant species in that area. There is variation in shading among cormorants of different age and I suspect that your bird may simply be younger than the bird I photographed.

MaryEvans2 12 years ago

Stunning! Appears to be much darker in color than those found here in North Florida
(or is the ID on the above incorrect?)

Gordon Dietzman
Spotted by
Gordon Dietzman

Roseville, Minnesota, USA

Spotted on May 16, 2011
Submitted on Apr 3, 2012

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