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Fox Squirrel

Sciurus niger


Brownish-grey above, buffy below. Tail brown to reddish-brown. Large Bushy tail.


Urban garden. Lots of mature trees around. Especially Silver Maples and Pin Oak.


I've always assumed these were Fox Squirrels, but I see there is a variant of Eastern Gray Squirrels with similar coloration. We also have Black Squirrels, another variant, in the area. This guy was busy munching on Maple seeds that had collected below a downspout. I was mowing the lawn in the area and it scampered away and started nibbling on some Maple saplings I had cut down.

1 Species ID Suggestions

XXD17 12 years ago
Fox squirrel

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1 Comment

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

Keith.. you got her really cute and nasty pose...!!

Spotted by

Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Spotted on May 13, 2012
Submitted on May 16, 2012

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