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Copper Underwing Moth Caterpillar

Amphipyra pyramidoides


Also known as Humped Green Fruitworm or Pyramidal Green Fruitworm. 1 inch, not fully extended. Neon green with white markings and pointed hump.


Feeding on Lilac bush in yard near woodlands and meadow.

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Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 12 years ago

A friend of mine did it on a cartoon program, I lke it, it makes me 20 years younger... :-)

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 12 years ago

Haha! Surprising they are eating Lilac leaves, they usually prefer apple trees.

This is one I found on an apple tree!

CarolSnowMilne 12 years ago

I didn't have this hobby last spring so I am finding new things. I am very excited. I too found a snake today. HA! Sergio... "you crack me up." HA! And I like your new avatar. Cute!

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 12 years ago

Carol, I know what you are doing, you are monopolizing the moths and caterpillars market! And you got the most beautiful ones. I am envy, ok?

CarolSnowMilne 12 years ago

Thanks so much! They are in a tree that gets shade almost all day and only the late late afternoon sun.

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 12 years ago

Awesome find Carol! Found one of these guys too; if you want to raise them keep them out of any sun. (Personal experience :( )

Carol Snow Milne
Spotted by
Carol Snow Milne

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on May 23, 2012
Submitted on May 23, 2012

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