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Dimorphic Jumper, male, immature, grayish form

Maevia inclemens


The male spiders of this species come in two different forms. This is the grayish striped form(no official name). This may be an immature male, since the adult male usually has reddish markings on the abdomen instead of black as this one does. Adult males of this form have a grayish body with red, white and black markings and yellow orange pedipalps. You can see the other form here:


Forested campgrounds in Cedar Point County Park.


He was difficult to photograph. He either was running away from the camera or jumping ON the lens! One that looks similar to mine:

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ForestDragon 11 years ago

Yes, Karen, I do too. I just wish it was in better focus. :P Skittery spiders are a pain in the rear to try to photograph.

KarenL 11 years ago

Nice series! I especially like the last photo!

Spotted by

Northwest Harbor, Connecticut, USA

Spotted on Jun 10, 2012
Submitted on Jun 11, 2012

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Maevia inclemens Dimorphic Jumper Jumping spider Dimorphic Jumping Spider

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