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Monarch Butterfly - female

Danaus plexippus


The monarch is the only butterfly that migrates both north and south as the birds do on a regular basis. But no single individual makes the entire round trip. Female monarchs deposit eggs for the next generation during these migrations. These butterflies are one of the few insects capable of making trans-Atlantic crossings. They are becoming more common in Bermuda due to increased usage of milkweed as an ornamental plant in flower gardens. Monarch butterflies born in Bermuda remain year round due to the island's mild climate. Monarchs can live a life of two to eight weeks in a garden having their host Milkweed plants and sufficient flowers for nectar.


Canada - South America. Fields, meadows, prairie remnants, urban and suburban parks, gardens, trees, and roadsides. Host Plants: Milkweeds (Asclepias).


Images and information of a male Monarch

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Small Wonders
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Small Wonders

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Spotted on May 25, 2012
Submitted on May 29, 2012

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