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Northern Mockingbird

Mimus polyglottos


The only mockingbird commonly found in North America, they are very social birds and young mockingbirds are sometimes seen playing with other birds. Usually gray/dark gray backs and white underparts. The layers of the wings are black, white, and gray. Mockingbirds measure from 20.5 to 28 cm (8.1 to 11 in) including a tail almost as long as its body. The wingspan can range from 31–38 cm (12–15 in) and body mass is from 40–58 g (1.4–2.0 oz). Males tend to be slightly larger than females.


They have a preference for certain trees such as maple, sweetgum, and sycamore; they generally avoid pine trees after the other trees have grown their leaves. They have a particular preference for low lying branches. Mockingbirds are often found in urban and suburban areas, where they perch on telephone poles, streetlights, or high points on buildings. While singing on a high perch they will often bolt several feet into the air in a looping motion, with wings outstretched to display their white underside, then land back on the perch without breaking a note. This has been studied and thought to be a courtship display.


We have a tree-lined driveway where I found 6 nests this year. Though nests are fairly low, the trees are dense and it was difficult to get a good picture of eggs or chicks - but I happened to see a female mockingbird with her new fledgling in one of the trees. She and the father were not pleased I was so close, so I didn't stay long to take pictures.

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Missouri, USA

Spotted on Jul 3, 2012
Submitted on Jul 4, 2012

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