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Slate-colored Junco

Junco hyemalis


The Dark-eyed Junco is a medium-sized sparrow with a rounded head, a short, stout bill and a fairly long, conspicuous tail. Juncos vary across the country (see Regional Differences), but in general they’re dark gray or brown birds brightened up by a pink bill and white outer tail feathers that periodically flash open, particularly in flight. The slate-colored dark-eyed junco is the only variation commonly found in the east, ranging from the east coast to, but not in, the Rocky Mountain region. Slate-colored juncos can also be found throughout Canada and Alaska. This bird is easily recognized by its solid gray head, neck, back and wings contrasting with a boldly white lower chest and abdomen. The bill is pale but may show a dark tip, and lighter gray females may show a faint brown wash over their back and wings.


Wildlife habitat yard.

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Denton, Texas, USA

Spotted on Dec 5, 2013
Submitted on Jan 7, 2014

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