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Fruit Piercing Moth

Eudocima cocalus ♀


Erebidae; Calpinae; Ophiderini; Eudocima cocalus (Cramer, 1777). According to pictures in this is a female.


Spotted in our backyard, on the leaf of a Banana Plant (Musa sapientum), known throughout the Philippines as Saging, but in our local dialect it is called Batag. Plant identification -

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SukanyaDatta 7 months ago

That is so nice...PN is really a very friendly community. I got lots of support when I was new...still do. Thank you again

John B.
John B. 7 months ago

Thank you Sukanya. I enjoy trying to help others and I will never forget all the help that I was given when I started with Project Noah. You, personally, gave me so much help and encouragement and, of course, Mark and Leuba were also very supportive. Even now, I get a lot of help from Arne Roysland. All of this has made P.N. a wonderful experience. Now, I think the least I can do is try to help when I can see someone struggling.

SukanyaDatta 7 months ago

That is such a shame. There have been quite a few of late. And I am not very regular on PN these days but I do try to check in once a day...your photo shows amazing detail...really wonderful.
Secondly (and perhaps more importantly) I wanted to thank you for your very helpful comments and ID-help to so many PN users. It is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

John B.
John B. 7 months ago

To: SukanyaDatta

Hi Sukanya,
thank you for your comment on my moth spotting. In case you are wondering why your comment is not here on my spotting page, I felt I should explain. I decided to delete the entire spotting and do it again, exactly the same. This was the only way that I could quickly get rid of a link to a pornographic site which was illicitly posted by a fake spotter. I had reported it to the Project Noah support team, but could not wait for them to deal with it because it was late evening in their location. I did not want any of the children, who are always around the house, to see it if they picked up one of my synced devices to look at my Project Noah pictures, as they often do. I,m sure that Support will soon remove the fake account of the person who did this.

Regards, John B.

John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Spotted on Oct 11, 2023
Submitted on Oct 12, 2023

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