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Larva - helena gum moth

Opodiphthera helena


A large green caterpillar with fine white fur and a lateral cream line. There are several small protuberances tipped with blue and terminating in fine hairs.


Feeding on a eucalyptus sapling.


The helena moth is slightly larger and brighter than the emperor gum moth and the larva is less spiny. The helena moth is a rare find. I have also found some early instars but they seem to be O. eucalypti.

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MartinL 10 years ago

Thanks Mark. This was not much larger that the O. eucalypti you would expect to find. It certainly is not so common and the adults, which I have seen are more showy too. I found some eggs this week; probably O. eucalypti but I will watch them. They are scarce this year.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Missed it ! Very nice find Martin. Must have been fun to see. I read that these larvae are quite big.

MartinL 11 years ago

Thanks Pam. This helena moth was an exciting find today and the second one that I have ever spotted! The first one was an adult moth. The adults are slightly different from the emperor gum moth and the two caterpillars are also slightly different.

pamsai 11 years ago

lovely spotting, Martin... Seems like many caterpillars that feed on Eucalyptus are awesome!

Spotted by

Victoria, Australia

Spotted on Dec 2, 2012
Submitted on Dec 2, 2012

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