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Marine Diatom

Coscinodiscus sp.


Solitary, circle-shaped diatom with lots of little speckles in it that I believe are the chloroplasts. There were a few of these in the sample, but not nearly as many as Chaetoceros.


A marine biologist on board skimmed some plankton using really fine mesh nets and we took a drop from that sample and placed it under a microscope. The sample was skimmed in Izhut Bay just off Afognak Island in somewhat shallow water (less than 200 feet).


See also: That one may be the same genus, just a side view. Not sure

The line in the background I am guessing is a chain of some other phytoplankton species. It was very thin and small so I couldn't get any better photos of it, though I am intrigued.

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Alaska, USA

Spotted on Sep 19, 2019
Submitted on Nov 1, 2019

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