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Giant Flag Moth

Dysschema sp.


Very large female moth of the Family Arctiidae.


Semi-urban area on the outskirts of the city, 2,200 meters.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 11 years ago
Flag Moth or Tiger Moth
Dysschema magdala Flag Moth or Tiger Moth

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LaurenZarate 11 years ago

Thank you bayucca for so much research! Both D. magdala and D. panamensis females (even if they are the same species) have a dark band on the hind wing above the lower border pattern that this one doesn't have. They also don't seem to have the same spot pattern on the shoulders as this one does. What do you think about that?

bayucca 11 years ago

I don't think this one is Howardii. The lower white stripes is not extending to the margin:
I am not sure if an ID is possible without the native specimen and genital dissection or DNA. My favorite and closest guess would we Dysschema magdala. Other candidate are: Dysschema gaumeri or Dysschema cydon or Dysschema lycaste form cydon (same species or subspecies??). You should also consider that in this genus you have a great sexual dimorphism as well, which makes ID not easier and you do not always have the indication if male or female on the specimens. What do you think?
Best match: Dysschema magdala (you have to look for the underside, the orange parts, the reddish spots/area.
I once read that Dysschema magdala and Dysschema panamensis are the same, this might be part of discussion about several species in different locations. This genus is to my knowledge also on the schedule for taxonomic reorganisation, what ever that does mean...
Take the time to look all the links and let me know what you mean...
Good luck!!

Spotted by

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Spotted on Aug 19, 2008
Submitted on Jan 3, 2013

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