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Spectacular rustgill

Gymnopilus junonius


The cap ranges from 7 to 20 cm across, is convex, and is bright orange, orange/brown, or reddish brown with a dry scaly surface. The stem is 25 to 265 mm long, 8 to 9 mm thick, and often narrows near the base. The frail ring is dusted with rusty orange spores, the flesh is yellow and the gill attachment to the stem is adnate to sub-decurrent. It has a bitter taste, stains red with KOH and turns green when cooked in a pan. The spore print is rusty orange. "Each individual mushroom can weigh several pounds. Gymnopilus junonius is a species of mushroom in the Cortinariaceae family. Commonly known as laughing gym, laughing Jim, or the spectacular rustgill, this large orange mushroom is typically found growing on tree stumps, logs, or tree bases. Some subspecies of this mushroom contain the hallucinogenic compound psilocybin.


Gymnopilus junonius is a very widely distributed mushroom which grows in dense clusters on dead hardwoods and conifers. This mushroom grows just about everywhere that decaying wood can be found


Spotted in a mix forest of oaks,eucalypthus and pine trees,near my house

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Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

like a little family!!

Thanks Hemma,i'am following this one :-) i make a plastic waterproof pach,asking people to not destroi it and since now it works:-) he is huge i'am waiting a few morw days to make a second spotting

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

Very cute and beautiful!! Congrats Antonio!!

Thanks Nancy,Yuko and Argy for your kind words,i'am going to followthis one is going to be huge :-) i'am going to put a little sign on the place to ask pstroi him,lets see

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 11 years ago

Classic Antonio.

YukoChartraw 11 years ago

Mom and her little babies!

auntnance123 11 years ago

Wonderful series, Antonio. Looks like the set for a fairytale.

Braga, Portugal

Spotted on Jan 15, 2013
Submitted on Jan 18, 2013

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