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Small Waved Umber Moth

Horisme vitalbata



Motorway rest area in open country, mostly agricultural fields.

2 Species ID Suggestions

Fyn Kynd
Fyn Kynd 11 years ago
Brown Bark Carpet
Horisme intestinata

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I only found this which shows North America only
By the way, this was in Southern France, not Spain.
As J was saying about other species, they can look identical but have different scientific names in different parts of the world.

Fyn  Kynd
Fyn Kynd 11 years ago

Please confirm ID, I'm not even sure if they live in Spain... couldn't find anything giving it's world range. Sure looks like a good match though!

Paulhan, Languedoc-Roussillon, Tromelin Island

Spotted on Sep 21, 2012
Submitted on Dec 27, 2012

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