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Grayling; Sátiro común

Hipparchia semele


Butterfly of the family Nymphalidae. They rest with closed wings, forewings lowered between the hindwings as do many Satyrinae. When disturbed, they raise the forewing so that the large eyespots near its apex become visible. This butterfly, the largest of 'browns', is a master of disguise - although fairly conspicuous when in flight, it can mysteriously disappear as soon as it lands, perfectly camouflaged against a background of bare earth and stones, always resting with its wings closed. When it first lands, and when disturbed, the butterfly will raise its forewings for a second or so, revealing dark eye spots that stand out against a beautiful spectrum of browns. This butterfly also has a curious technique for regulating body temperature by leaning its wings at different angles to the sun. The larvae feed on various types of gramineae: Festuca ovina, Brachypodium pinnatum, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca paniculada, Festuca ampla…


Alpine meadow. Parque Nacional de Sierra de Guadarrama. Peñalara


Camera Model: NIKON D300. Exposure Time: 1/500 sec., f/11, ISO Speed Rating: 800. Exposure Bias: 0 EV. Focal Length: 300.0 mm. No flash fired.

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Spotted on Jul 23, 2015
Submitted on Sep 22, 2015

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