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Pyralid Moth

Spectrotrota fimbrialis


Brown and white with tan where the thorax shows. 1cm. Antenna drawn back along the abdomen. Kite shaped when at rest. White zig-zag pattern across wings


under lights in apartment block garden


file# brown and white stain

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StephenSolomons 10 years ago

You are very kind Leuba. I am only able to identify them because I have no life to take up the rest of my time. ;-P

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 10 years ago

That is a beauty Stephen. You've captured the colours so well. I found two of these over the week but my photos are desperately lacking in colour- I also, had difficulty identifying this moth. Good job !

StephenSolomons 11 years ago


Spotted by

Gosford, New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Mar 10, 2013
Submitted on Mar 10, 2013

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