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Tiny Spider (Part 3)


4 April13 - My tiny spider friend captured another moth in her web tonight. (Pictures 1 & 2). She sits right on her eggs all the time to keep them safe, since they are exposed to everything around her. Hopefully I can catch a shot of her babies when they hatch. 9April13 - She is still guarding her eggs (Picture 3). 12April13 - She is still guarding her eggs (Picture 4). 13April13 - The mother spider has disappeared. I don't know if she just left or was eaten. When disturbed, she runs off to different part of the web to distract a potential predator away from her eggs. Maybe she was captured (Picture 5). 21Abril13 - The eggs are hatching. I photographed the eggs to check up on them and also captured a new baby without realizing it. The hatchling looks very much like the mother, but is about half a millimeter in size (Picture 6).


Garden, San Cristobal de Las Casas, 2,200 meters.


Tiny Spider (Part 1): Tiny Spider (Part 2):

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LaurenZarate 11 years ago

Updated this spotting to the hatching of the eggs (4 through 21 Abril 2013).

LaurenZarate 11 years ago

It looks like a mini, mini orb weaver, but the web is a tangled jumble of threads and she has her eggs loose and exposed in a glob of webbing. You can see the web in Part 2.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

Wonder what kind of spider it is?Tiny,round abdomen with markings, What kind of web is it?

Spotted by

Chiapas, Mexico

Spotted on Apr 4, 2013
Submitted on Apr 5, 2013

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