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Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks (pair)

Dendrocygna autumnalis


A medium-sized duck with a long neck, long pink legs, chest and back rufous, face gray, bill red, belly black and a large white patch on the back of the wings. They eat aquatic plants, grass, grain, insects, and mollusks.


Lake Martin Bird Sanctuary is located in southwest Louisiana near Breaux Bridge.


A striking and gregarious duck of the Neotropics, the Black-bellied Whistling-Duck reaches the United States only in the very southern parts. Its long neck, long legs, black belly, and white wing patch make it a distinctive-looking waterfowl.

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gatorfellows 10 years ago

Glad it helped :) This was my first time to see these ducks. It was odd to see them perched in the trees. PN
It was a great trip. 10 years ago

Because of this picture I was able to identify the ducks I took a picture of at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, LA. There were lots and lots of these black-bellied whistling ducks in the pond at the zoo and thanks to you, I was able to identify them. Always like to label my pictures for reference. thanks so much.

Ajwerko 11 years ago

Nice series! Great photos!

gatorfellows 11 years ago

Thanks LandmarkExpert. If you think it looks funny in a pond, check this spotting, it is one of several I found tree tops: :)

Caleb Steindel
Caleb Steindel 11 years ago

very funny looking! and a cool spotting too!

Spotted by

Louisiana, USA

Spotted on Apr 21, 2013
Submitted on Apr 30, 2013

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