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flowering low to the ground, ginger family, foliage ginger like


tropical rainforest


I spotted this flower just off the trail in Tawau hills park. Sorry, just this one photo, as it was hard to get a clear shot of it. Photos of the foliage wouldn't help too much anyway as many species of the ginger family have a similar habit.

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Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 10 years ago

It is a sweet book, you should get them to order it.

ChunXingWong 10 years ago

What!? There is a Gingers of Borneo book too?
I really need to force the bookstores here to get them!

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 10 years ago

Yeah, it would probably help. Get it! Even better is the newly released Gingers of Borneo. I got to browse through it at Craig's place. Was able to get a few ID's from it.

ChunXingWong 10 years ago

I found a guide book to the gingers of Sarawak!
Unfortunately, there is only one of it left in the bookshop.
I really need to save enough money to purchase it before it goes missing.
Though it focuses on the gingers of Sarawak, I am sure it can help in identifying many species from Tawau Hills.

Dan Doucette
Spotted by
Dan Doucette

Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Spotted on Jan 24, 2014
Submitted on Apr 4, 2014

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